When Martial law was proclaimed, it was good-bye to McGarret and all those hit TV programs being broadcasted abroad. Malacaniang, for several years filtered everything that goes into the media, whether TV, Print or radio..
When we arrived in Canada in 1975, I felt like Alice seeing Wonderland for the first time. The good news is, all TVs in Canada are colored. Bad news is Hawaii-50 is already cancelled.
We now fast forward to 2010...,The DVD box set of Hawaii-50 Season 1 came out. I bought a copy immediately. It contains the pilot movie where Steve was placed inside a water tank with a tube of oxygen supply and he languished for several hours . This torture was devised by Woo Fat, the unkillable nemesis of Steve used to break the will of people who will then become zombie-like doing anything that Woo Fat would tell them to do. It worked for everybody except Mc Garret.
To date, there are already 9 box sets of Hawaii 5-0 and we have all of them. Each episode is set on a certain part of the Hawaiian Islands and we saw many of these places when we visited Juliet and Marcie Uson in 2005 . In 2009, we revisited Hawaii this time visiting Marcie Tesoro who lives in Maui.
Hawaii 5-0 returns
About 3 weeks ago, the new Hawaii 5-0 was launched with just a low fan fare. But we watched it. We saw Steve McGarret murdered by a terrorist while his released was being negotiated with his son, an officer of the US Navy. Something went wrong with the talks, Steve was shot close range and his killer escaped. The body was sent to his son also named Steve, to Hawai for a hero’s burial. But the younger Steve vowed he would hunt down for the killers of his dad. This sets the tone and plotline for the pilot episode which climaxed in a shoot out where the killer was shot before he fell into some murky waters. We saw the villain fall into the ocean, but his body was never found. Maybe he will re appear in a future episode of the series.
The new 5-0 series is what they call in the trade a “run-away” success. It has all the action, chases, shoot outs which are prevalent in the 70s series. Even the opening logos and vignettes are practically the same. And so with the Hawaii5-0 theme which is still being played now in classic rock radio stations.
The last episode took place in what is supposed to be Molokai. It is one of the Islands of Maui. I e-mailed Marcie, my Hawaiian connection, and the paragraph below was her comment . I reprinted it here because of its interesting contents, something which will add to our knowledge of these Islands……
Molokai and Lanai islands are part of the County of Maui. We are unique in a sense that we have 3-islands under one County. They have lots of bangus on Molokai, and fresh from the ponds. The Hawaiians there are very protective of their island so much so that they know when a visitor is on island. They know everyone who lives there. The worst part is they are anti-development. The people who live on Molokai do not want any progress to evolve. They would rather live like the ancient times (live off the land, off the sea, etc), than to have lots of tourists and business in the area. One time, there was this incident: this cruise ship wanted to stop over on Molokai. This is good for the island right? Wrong! When the cruise ship was about to dock on Molokai waters, hundreds of surfers went out into the sea and blocked the ship!!! This is true story. Needless to say the cruise ship did not and will not stop on Molokai.
click on the window below to listen to the timeless theme of HAWAII 5-0
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